Regression Discontinuity

EC655 - Econometrics

Justin Smith

Wilfrid Laurier University

Fall 2023



  • RD is a popular method to identify causal treatment effects

  • The method mimics a randomized experiment

    • People are assigned to treatment or not based on some known continuous variable

      • Those above some “cutoff” are given the treatment
    • Around the cutoff people share similar characteristics, except for the treatment

    • Thus, looking at outcome differences for those just above cutoff compared to just below will reveal causal effect of treatment

  • It identifies a local LATE

    • It is LATE in the sense we defined in instrumental variables

    • Also, it focuses on people in the immediate vicinity of the discontinuity


  • Example: Milligan and Lemieux (2008)

    • Effect of social assistance on employment

      • Extra dollars of social assistance is the treatment
    • Amount of social assistance determined by age

      • Before 1989, 30+ year olds got roughly $550 in monthly benefits

      • Those under 30 got roughly $200

      • Treatment is getting more social assistance

    • People around age 30 are roughly similar on average

    • Compares employment rates for 30 year olds to those just under 30

      • At the cutoff, the only difference between 2 groups is benefit level
    • Reveals causal effect of getting more benefits on employment

    • Results show more benefits means lower employment rates

Sharp Regression Discontinuity


  • RD is best understood visually

  • Suppose we have potential outcomes \(y_{0}\) and \(y_{1}\)

    • \(y_{0}\) is the outcome if not treated

    • \(y_{1}\) is the outcome if treated

  • Both potential outcomes are continuous functions of some variable \(S\)

    • \(S\) is called the “running variable” or “forcing variable”
  • In the example paper, \(S\) is age

    • \(y_{0}\) is employment rate with normal benefits

    • \(y_{1}\) is employment rate with extra benefits

  • Graph below plots example CEFs as a function of \(S\)

CEF of Potential Outcomes

Treatment Assignment

  • In RD, treatment is assigned based on the value of \(S\) relative to a cutoff \(\bar{S}\)

  • In graph above suppose \(\bar{S} = 5\)

    • Those with \(S\ge \bar{S}\) get the treatment

    • Those with \(S< \bar{S}\) do not get the treatment

  • If the treatment variable is \(w\) then

\[w = 1[S\ge \bar{S}]\]

  • In the example paper, \(w\) is a dummy for getting extra benefits

    • \(\bar{S} = 30\) years old and \(w=1\) happens when \(S\ge 30\)

Observed Value of the Outcome

  • Recall that the observed outcome \(y = y_{0} + (y_{1} - y_{0})w\)

    • \(y = y_{0}\) if \(w=0\), \(y = y_{1}\) if \(w=1\)
  • Since \(w = 1[S\ge \bar{S}]\) we can write

    • \(y = y_{0}\) if \(S< \bar{S}\), \(y = y_{1}\) if \(S\ge \bar{S}\)
  • We can then draw the CEF \(E[y|S]\) on the graph

    • Black line is the CEF of \(E[y|S]\)
    • Red lines are the (unobserved) potential outcomes

Observed Value of the Outcome

Bias in Regression

  • Consider the population least squares regression of \(y\) on \(w\)

\[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}w + u \]

  • The slope in this regression is

\[E[y|w=1] - E[y|w=0]\] \[= E[y_{1} - y_{0}|w=1] + E[y_{0}|w=1]- E[y_{0}|w=0]\]

  • Selection bias does not disappear because \(y_{0}\) is not independent of treatment

    • The mean of \(y_{0}\) above the cutoff is not the same as below the cutoff

    • Example: untreated employment outcomes are different for older and younger people

Conditional Mean Independence

  • What if we instead condition on \(S\)?

    \[E[y|S,w=1] - E[y|S,w=0]\] \[= E[y_{1} - y_{0}|S,w=1] + E[y_{0}|S,w=1]- E[y_{0}|S,w=0]\]

  • In this case, selection bias will disappear because treatment is determined by \(S\)

    • So holding \(S\) fixed, mean \(y_{0}\) is independent of treatment
  • In our example, people of the same age have the same average untreated outcome

  • Because \(E[y_{0}|S] = E[y_{0}|S, w]\) we can write

\[E[y|S,w=1] - E[y|S,w=0] = E[y_{1} - y_{0}|S,w=1] \]

  • This is the ATT conditional on \(S\)

Conditional Mean Independence

  • Problem: we cannot compute \(E[y|S, w = 1] - E[y|S, w = 0]\)

    • Because \(w=1\) only for those with \(S\ge \bar{S}\)

    • And \(w=0\) only for those with \(S< \bar{S}\)

  • There is no “overlap” in these functions

    • No spot in the graph with two solid lines at a value of \(S\)

Conditional Mean at Cutoff

  • RD solves this problem by focusing on the treatment cutoff

\[E[y|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y|S]\] \[= E[y_{1} - y_{0}|S = \bar{S}] +E[y_{0}|S = \bar{S}]- lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}}E[y_{0}|S]\]

  • The key assumption is the that \(E[y_{0}|S = \bar{S}]\) is continuous at \(S=\bar{S}\)

\[E[y_{0}|S = \bar{S}] = lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y_{0}|S]\]

  • If this is true, selection bias disappears and we get the ATT at the cutoff

\[E[y|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y|S] =E[y_{1} -y_{0} |S = \bar{S}]\]

Observed Value of the Outcome

Conditional Mean at Cutoff

  • The idea behind these assumptions is

    • Compare average observed outcome just above cutoff to average outcome just below

    • They serve as good counterfactuals if potential outcomes not affected by treatment

    • e.g. social assistance benefits and employment

      • Compare mean employment rate for people just above and below age 30

      • Works if employment rates smooth across age 30 without treatment

Conditional Mean at Cutoff

  • We plotted CEFs of potential outcomes assuming they are linear with equal slopes

  • They do not have to be

  • The two graphs below present situations where

    • Potential outcomes are linear with different slopes

    • They are nonlinear

Linear CEF with Unequal Slopes

Nonlinear CEF

Summary of Model

  • The key result is

\[E[y|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y|S] =E[y_{1} -y_{0} |S = \bar{S}] \]

  • This works as long as \(E[y_{0}|S = \bar{S}]\) is continuous at \(S=\bar{S}\)

  • Thus, RD estimates an average treatment effect at the cutoff point

  • As before, we do not know the conditional expectation, so we must estimate

  • There are various ways, but we will cover OLS regression


  • To estimate we need to approximate the function \(E[y|S]\)

  • We can use a population linear regression of \(y\) on \(S\), and estimate that by OLS

  • Important: we must allow for an intercept shift at the cutoff point \(\bar{S}\)

    • This is the approximation of \(E[y_{1} -y_{0} |S = \bar{S}]\)
  • The simplest linear model is

\[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} S+\rho w + u\]

  • This is a straight line that jumps at \(\bar{S}\) by \(\rho\)

Linear Population Regression Function


  • To estimate the PRF, we can use OLS

  • Replace the population parameters with sample estimates

\[y = \hat{\beta}_{0} + \hat{\beta}_{1} S+\hat{\rho} w + \hat{u}\]

  • The estimate of \(\rho\) is the difference in predicted \(y\) at the cutoff point

\[\hat{\rho} = (\hat{\beta}_{0} + \hat{\beta}_{1} S+\hat{\rho}) - (\hat{\beta}_{0} + \hat{\beta}_{1} S)\]


  • A more complicated PRF allows the slope to differ on either side of the cutoff point

\[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} S+\rho w + \beta_{2}(S \times w) + u\]

  • The interaction term allows the slope to differ on either side of the cutoff point

\[\frac{\partial y}{\partial S} = \beta_{1} + \beta_{2} w\]

  • When \(w = 1\) the slope changes by \(\beta_{2}\)



  • Problem: as specified, \(\rho\) does not measure the jump at the cutoff

  • Call the prediction of \(y\) at values of \(S\) and \(w\) \(P[y|S, w]\)

\[P[y|S, w=1] - P[y|S, w=0] \] \[= (\beta_{0} + \beta_{1} S+ \rho + \beta_{2}S) - (\beta_{0} + \beta_{1} S) \] \[= \rho + \beta_{2} S \]

  • \(\rho\) is therefore the jump when \(S = 0\), not when \(S=\bar{S}\)


  • To ensure \(\rho\) is the jump at the cutoff, we must center \(S\) at the cutoff point

  • Define \(S_{c} = S - \bar{S}\)

  • Replace \(S\) with \(S_{c}\) in the PRF

\[y = \beta_{0}^{*} + \beta_{1} S_{c}+\rho^{*} w + \beta_{2}(S_{c} \times w) + u\]

  • Difference in the PRF is now

\[P[y|S_{c}, w=1] - P[y|S_{c}, w=0] \] \[= \rho^{*} + \beta_{2} S_{c} \]

  • This occurs at the cutoff: \(S_{c} = S - \bar{S}\) when \(S = \bar{S}\)



  • To estimate \(\rho^{*}\) replace the population parameters with sample estimates

\[y = \hat{\beta}_{0}^{*} + \hat{\beta}_{1} S_{c}+\hat{\rho}^{*} w + \hat{\beta}_{2}S_{c} \times w + \hat{u}\]

  • Prior to running OLS regression, ensure you create \(S_{c} = S - \bar{S}\)

  • \(\hat{\rho}^{*}\) is the regression discontinuity estimate of the treatement effect

Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity


  • We still have potential outcomes \(y_{0}\) and \(y_{1}\) that are functions of \(S\)

  • Graph below plots their CEFs again as a function of \(S\)

  • The cutoff point is still \(\bar{S}\)

CEF of Potential Outcomes


  • The treatment is now only partially determined by \(S\)

    • People are assigned to treatment if \(S > \bar{S}\)

    • But they may not take it, so actual treatment could differ

  • Suppose that assignment to treatment is \(z\)

\[z = 1[S > \bar{S}]\]

  • Actual treatment is determined by \(w\)

\[w = w_{0} + (w_{1} - w_{0})z\]

  • The potential treatments are functions of \(S\)
  • The observed treatment is \(w_{0}\) if \(S \leq \bar{S}\) and \(w_{1}\) if \(S > \bar{S}\)

CEF of Treatment

Observed Outcomes

  • Like before we can plot the CEF of the observed outcome

  • Unlike before

\[E[y|S \ge \bar{S}] \neq E[y_{1}|S \ge \bar{S}]\] \[E[y|S < \bar{S}] \neq E[y_{0}|S < \bar{S}]\]

  • This is because actual treatment can deviate from assigned treatment

Observed Outcomes

  • To find the CEF of the observed outcome remember

\[y = y_{0} + (y_{1} - y_{0})w\]

  • Rearrange

\[ y = y_{0}(1-w) + y_{1}w\]

  • Take expectations conditional on \(S\)

\[E[y|S] = E[y_{0}|S] (1-E[w|S]) + E[y_{1}|S]E[w|S]\]

CEF of Observed Outcome

Treatment Effect

  • Computing the treatment effect is more complicated

  • It operates like the TSLS model we saw before

    • \(z\) is as an instrument for \(w\)

    • Treatment effect is ratio of mean difference in \(y\) to mean difference in \(w\)

  • The treatment effect is a LATE, at the cutoff

Treatment Effect

  • Difference in CEF on each side of the cutoff

\[E[y|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y|S]\]

  • Replace \(y\) with \(y = y_{0} + (y_{1} - y_{0})w\)

\[= E[y_{0} + (y_{1} - y_{0})w|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y_{0} + (y_{1} - y_{0})w|S]\]

  • When \(S \ge \bar{S}\) then \(w = w_{1}\) and when \(S < \bar{S}\) then \(w = w_{0}\)

\[= E[y_{0} + (y_{1} - y_{0})w_{1}|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y_{0} + (y_{1} - y_{0})w_{0}|S]\]


  • Performing a bit of algebra, we get

\[= E[(y_{1} - y_{0})(w_{1}-w_{0})|S = \bar{S}] + (E[y_{0}|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y_{0} |S] )\]

  • If \(E[y_{0}|S = \bar{S}]\) is continuous at the cutoff, we can drop the second term

\[= E[(y_{1} - y_{0})(w_{1}-w_{0})|S = \bar{S}] \]

CEF of Observed Outcome


  • If we make a monotonicity assumption (as we did in the LATE notes)

\[ E[(y_{1} - y_{0})(w_{1}-w_{0})|S = \bar{S}] = E[y_{1} - y_{0}|w_{1}-w_{0}=1,S = \bar{S}] E[w_{1} - w_{0}|S = \bar{S}]\]

  • The CEF for \(w\) is

\[E[w|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[w|S] = E[w_{1} - w_{0}|S = \bar{S}] \]

  • Which brings us to

\[\frac{E[y|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y|S] }{E[w|S = \bar{S}] - lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[w|S] } = E[y_{1} - y_{0}|w_{1}-w_{0}=1,S = \bar{S}]\]

Visualizing Fuzzy RD


  • In the fuzzy RD we divide the mean difference in outcomes by the mean difference in treatment

    • This “scales” the difference in outcomes by the difference in treatment probability
  • The interpretation is a LATE

    • The treatment effect for compliers, at the cutoff
  • Just like sharp RD, you can allow different slopes, nonlinearities


  • Estimate using TSLS

    • Treat \(w\) as endogenous, and \(z\) as an exogenous instrument

    • \(S\) is the included instrument

  • A linear structural model would be

\[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} S+\rho w + e\]

  • With first stage

\[w = \alpha_{0} + \alpha_{1} S + \pi z + u\]


  • Estimating by TSLS the vector of coefficients is

\[\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}} = \left( \mathbf{\mathbf{\hat{X}}'\mathbf{\hat{X}}} \right)^{-1}\mathbf{\mathbf{\hat{X}}'y} = \begin{bmatrix} \hat{\beta}_{0}\\ \hat{\beta}_{1}\\ \hat{\rho} \end{bmatrix}\]

  • The \(\hat{X}\) matrix contains the constant, \(S\), and \(\hat{w}\)

  • As before you can add different slopes, nonlinearities

    • Ensure you recenter the \(S\) variable around the cutoff

Milligan and Lemieux (2008)

First Stage

Reduced Form

Internal Validity of RD

  • The treatment variable does not have to be binary

    • See van der Klaauw (2001), Matsudaira (2008)
  • The method only works if the running variable \(S\) cannot be manipulated

    • Ex: Matsudaira (2008)

      • Effect of summer school on future performance with 50% grade cutoff

      • Kids may know the assignment rule to summer school

      • Some more “motivated” kids put in effort to not attend

      • Their non-treated outcomes differ on each side of the cutoff

      • i.e. \(E[y_{0}|S = \bar{S}] = lim_{S\uparrow \bar{S}} E[y_{0}|S]\)

  • If running variable is manipulated in a non-random way, RD is invalid and biased

Internal Validity of RD

  • Two ways to check if the running variable has been manipulated

    1. Check for discontinuities in baseline variables

      • Treatment is expected to be discontinuous; this is where our variation comes from

      • However, near the discontinuity, any other variable must be continuous

      • If we had covariates (\(X\)) determined before treatment, we could check to see if they have discontinuities \[x=\gamma_{0} + \gamma_{1}S + \delta z + u\]

      • If \(\delta \neq 0\), then this may signal a problem

    2. Check for discontinuities in the density of the running variable

      • A histogram may show “piling up” of people on one side of discontinuity

      • If so, this may signal a problem

      • See McCrary(2008) for more technical details

External Validity of RD

  • External validity is the ability to extrapolate estimates

  • RD estimates are local to the cutoff

  • If there are heteogeneous treatment effects, may not be able to apply to whole population

    • Ex: Estimates of benefits on employment for 30 year olds may not apply to 50 year olds
    • Ex: Estimates of summer school on test scores for kids around 50% may not apply to high achievers
  • Must be careful not to overinterpret results