Panel Data

EC655 - Econometrics

Justin Smith

Wilfrid Laurier University

Fall 2023

Panel Data Basics


  • Repeated observations of some individual unit along some dimension

    • Observing same people/firms/countries over time

    • Second dimension does not have to be time

  • Panel data can be used in several ways

    1. Eliminate individual heterogeneity

    2. Increase variation (reduce standard errors)

    3. Study dynamics

  • In microeconometrics, panel data mostly controls for individual heterogeneity

  • We will study

    • Basic panel data methods

    • Using panel data to identify parameters

Structure of Panel Data

  • Panels have at least 2 dimensions

    • Variation occurs over \(i=1,\ldots,N\) people, and \(t=1,\ldots,T\) time
  • A balanced panel is one where all individuals are observed in every time period

  • An unbalanced panel has at least one person not observed in a time period

Balanced Panel

ID Year Income
1 1990 60000
1 1991 65000
1 1992 90000
2 1990 20000
2 1991 21000
2 1992 24000

Unbalanced Panel

ID Year Education
1 1990 60000
1 1991 90000
2 1990 20000
2 1991 21000
2 1992 24000

Pooled Regression


  • Write the regression model as

\[y_{it} = \mathbf{x_{it}}\boldsymbol{\beta} + e_{it}\]

  • Recall that \(i\) indexes individuals, and \(t\) indexes time

  • One approach is to ignore the panel structure

  • This is called Pooled Regression since it pools data across people and time

  • The slope from population least squares is

\[\boldsymbol{\beta}^{*} = E[\mathbf{x_{it}}'\mathbf{x_{it}}]^{-1}E[\mathbf{x_{it}}'y_{it}]\]


  • If \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) is defined as the population least squares slope

    • The error term \(e_{it}\) is the population least squares residual
    • By definition \(E[\mathbf{x_{it}}'e_{it}] = 0\)
    • Can proceed with OLS to estimate \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)
  • If \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) is a structural parameter (like a causal effect)

    • We need to assume that \(E[\mathbf{x_{it}}'e_{it}] = 0\)
    • This may or may not be true
    • If it is true, we can proceed with OLS to estimate \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)
    • If it is not true, we cannot use OLS to estimate \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)


  • The pooled regression estimator is

\[\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}} = \left(\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\mathbf{x_{it}}'\mathbf{x_{it}}\right)^{-1}\left(\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\mathbf{x_{it}}'y_{it}\right) = (X'X)^{-1}X'Y\] - Perform OLS on the data as though there was no separate individual and time dimension

  • If \(E[\mathbf{x_{it}}'e_{it}] = 0\), then \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\) is consistent for \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)


  • For inference we need the variance of \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\)

  • With variation across individuals and time this is more complicated

    • Need to worry about heteroskedasticity and serial correlation
  • Assuming no heteroskedasticity or serial correlation

    • Variance of \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\) is the homoskedasticity-only variance estimator we covered before
  • Assuming heteroskedasticity but no serial correlation

    • Variance of \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\) is the robust variance estimator we covered before


  • If we think there is serial correlation, need to adjust the variance estimator

  • Main issue is that the error term is correlated across time within units

  • A method that accounts for this is the cluster-robust variance estimator

\[\hat{V}_{CR}(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}) = (\mathbf{X'X)^{-1}} \left( \sum_{i=1}^{N}\mathbf{X_{i}'}\mathbf{\hat{e_{i}}}\mathbf{\hat{e_{i}}'}\mathbf{X_{i}}\right)(\mathbf{X'X)^{-1}}\]

  • \(\mathbf{X_{i}}\) is the matrix of observations for individual \(i\)

  • \(\mathbf{\hat{e_{i}}}\) is the vector of residuals for individual \(i\)

Unobserved Effects Models


  • Pooled regression ignores the panel structure of the data

  • We can do more by leveraging the variation over time and individuals

  • Usually researchers do this by modelling the error term in the following way

\[e_{it} = a_{i} + u_{it}\]

  • There are two components to the error

    • \(a_{i}\) is the unobserved effect or individual effect
    • \(u_{it}\) is the idiosyncratic error
  • Putting this together the unobserved effects model is

\[y_{it} = \mathbf{x_{it}}\boldsymbol{\beta} + a_{i} + u_{it}\]

Unobserved Effect

  • The unobserved effect \(a_{i}\) is a constant that varies across individuals

  • It is usually treated as some unknown omitted variable

    • Effect of a school on test scores

    • Effect of a firm on wages

  • We do not care about estimating its effect

  • But may need to control for it to estimate structural parameters

  • Methods we cover differ in how they deal with \(a_{i}\)

Fixed Effects


  • The key to this model is assumption that \(a_{i}\) is correlated with \(\mathbf{x_{it}}\)

  • Example: Effect of school size on achievement

    • Outcome is student achievement

    • Main independent variable is school size

    • There is unobserved school quality

    • Schools that are larger may be better quality

    • If school size and quality affect achievement, this causes bias

  • This is illustrated graphically below using a general example

Graphical Illustration


  • Data is generated for three individuals over 10 time periods

  • For each individual the outcome is negatively related to \(x_it\)

  • The exact function is

\[y_{it} = 9 - x_{it} + a_{i} + u_{it}\]

  • But there is an unobserved effect \(a_{i}\) that is positively correlated with \(x_{it}\)

  • This creates three distinct clusters of points

    • Each individual has a different colour

Bias with Pooled OLS

  • Suppose we ignore the unobserved individual effect

  • As illustrated in the graph below, the estimated slope is positive

  • This is because \(a_{i}\) is positively correlated with \(x_{it}\) and we have omitted variables bias

Graphical Illustration

Fixed Effects Model

  • The Fixed Effects model is a special case of the unobserved effects model

  • It assumes that the unobserved effect is correlated with the independent variables

  • Then makes an adjustment to control for the unobserved effect

  • The unobserved effects model is

\[y_{it} = \mathbf{x_{it}}\boldsymbol{\beta} + a_{i} + u_{it}\]

  • Assume this is a structural model and we want to estimate \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)

Fixed Effects Model

  • A necessary assumption is Strict Exogeneity

\[E(\mathbf{x_{is}'}u_{it}) = 0 \text{ for all } s = 1,...,T \]

  • In words, this means that all lags and leads of \(u_{it}\) are uncorrelated with \(\mathbf{x_{it}}\)

  • This is an extension of what we learned in instrumental variables

    • The exogeneity extends to all time periods

    • Not just the current time period

Fixed Effects Model

  • With strict exogeneity, we need an estimator that controls for \(a_{i}\)

  • One way to do this is the Within Transformation

  • To do this, compute the mean over time for each variable for each individual

\[\bar{y}_{i} = \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}y_{it}\]

\[\bar{x}_{i} = \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}x_{it}\]

Fixed Effects Model

  • Then subtract the within unit mean from each observation

\[y_{ij} - \bar{y}_{i} = (\mathbf{x_{ij}} - \mathbf{\bar{x}_{i}})\boldsymbol{\beta} + a_{i} - a_{i} + u_{ij} - \bar{u}_{i}\] \[y_{it} - \bar{y}_{i} = (\mathbf{x_{it}} - \mathbf{\bar{x}_{i}})\boldsymbol{\beta} + u_{it} - \bar{u}_{i}\] \[y_{it}^{*} = \mathbf{x_{it}}^{*}\boldsymbol{\beta} + u_{it}^{*}\]

  • Notice that this transformed model does not depend on \(a_{i}\)

  • We can use regression on this transformed model to get the slope vector

\[\boldsymbol{\beta}_{fe} = E[\mathbf{x_{it}^{*}}'\mathbf{x_{it}^{*}}]^{-1}E[\mathbf{x_{it}^{*}}'y_{it}^{*}]\]


  • If we estimate by OLS, we get the Fixed Effects Estimator

\[\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{fe}} = \mathbf{(X^{*'} X^{*})^{-1}X^{*'} Y^{*}}\]

  • For each cross-sectional observation we have

\[\mathbf{X_{i}} = \begin{bmatrix} x_{i1}^{1} &x_{i1}^{2}&\ldots &x_{i1}^{K}\\ x_{i2}^{1} &x_{i2}^{2}&\ldots &x_{i2}^{K} \\ \vdots &\ddots & \ldots & \vdots \\ x_{iJ}^{1}&x_{iJ}^{2}&\ldots &x_{iJ}^{K} \\ \end{bmatrix} , \mathbf{\bar{X}_{i}} =\begin{bmatrix} \bar{x_{i}}^{1} &\bar{x_{i}}^{2}&\ldots &\bar{x_{i}}^{K}\\ \bar{x_{i}}^{1} &\bar{x_{i}}^{2}&\ldots &\bar{x_{i}}^{K} \\ \vdots &\ddots & \ldots & \vdots \\ \bar{x_{i}}^{1} &\bar{x_{i}}^{2}&\ldots &\bar{x_{i}}^{K} \\ \end{bmatrix}\]


  • After the within transformation it looks like

\[\mathbf{X^{*}_{i}} = \begin{bmatrix} (x_{i1}^{1} - \bar{x}_{i}^{1}) &(x_{i1}^{2}-\bar{x}_{i}^{2})&\ldots &(x_{i1}^{K}-\bar{x}_{i}^{K})\\ (x_{i2}^{1}-\bar{x}_{i}^{1}) &(x_{i2}^{2}-\bar{x}_{i}^{2})&\ldots &(x_{i2}^{K}-\bar{x}_{i}^{K}) \\ \vdots &\ddots & \ldots & \vdots \\ (x_{iJ}^{1} -\bar{x}_{i}^{1})&(x_{iJ}^{2}-\bar{x}_{i}^{2})&\ldots &(x_{iJ}^{K}-\bar{x}_{i}^{K}) \\ \end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{X_{i}} - \mathbf{\bar{X}_{i}}\]

  • These matrices are then stacked on top of each other

\[\mathbf{X^{*}} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{X^{*}_{1}} \\ \mathbf{X^{*}_{2}} \\ \vdots \\ \mathbf{X^{*}_{N}} \end{bmatrix}\]

  • If strict exogeneity holds, then \(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{fe}}\) consistently estimates \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)


  • The cluster- robust estimator for the variance covariance matrix for \(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{fe}}\) is

\[\hat{var}(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{fe}})= \mathbf{(X^{*'}_{i} X^{*}_{i})^{-1}} \left ( \sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathbf{X^{*'}_{i} \hat{u}_{i}^{*} \hat{u}_{i}^{*'}X^{*}_{i}}\right ) \mathbf{(X^{*'}_{i} X^{*}_{i})^{-1}}\]

  • This estimator is robust to both heteroskedasticity and serial correlation

    • Serial correlation is an issue because the data have a time element

    • Heteroskedasticity can happen because the data have a cross-sectional element

  • If error has no heteroskedasticity and no serial correlation, you can simplify this variance estimator

Graphical Illustration


  • The within estimator wipes out the unobserved effect

  • But it also wipes out any time-invariant variables

    • So you cannot add them to the regression
  • It also reduces the variation in the data

    • So it is less efficient than OLS if the unobserved effect is not related to \(x\)

Dummy Variable Regression

  • A second way to control for the unobserved effect is the Dummy Variable Regression

  • In this model, include a dummy variable for each cross-sectional unit

    • The interpretation of \(a_{i}\) changes

    • It is now considered a parameter and not a variable

    • In practice it does not matter because it produces the same results as within estimator

  • The regression is

\[y_{it} = \mathbf{x_{it}}\boldsymbol{\beta} + \mathbf{D_{i}}\boldsymbol{\alpha} + u_{it}\]

  • \(D_{i}\) is a vector of dummy variables indicating the cross-sectional unit, and \(\alpha\) is an \(N-1\) vector

    • Exclude 1 of the dummies to identify the model

Dummy Variable Regression

  • Apply regression to the model above to get the dummy variable regression

  • Estimate by OLS

  • The vector \(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{DVR}}\) will be identical to \(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{fe}}\)

  • The variance estimator is also the same as the within estimator

  • For a couple of reasons we usually do not use the DVR approach

    1. If \(N\) is large, it takes forever to estimate

    2. We do not care about \(a_{i}\) normally

    3. The estimator for fixed effects is not consistent as \(N \rightarrow \infty\)

First Differencing

  • Still assume \(\mathbf{x_{ij}}\) and \(a_{i}\) are correlated

  • The unobserved effects model is \[y_{it} = \mathbf{x_{it}}\boldsymbol{\beta} +a_{i} + u_{it}\]

  • The unobserved effect is eliminated by differencing adjacent time periods

\[y_{it-1} = \mathbf{x_{it-1}}\boldsymbol{\beta} +a_{i} + u_{it-1}\]

\[y_{it} - y_{it-1} = \mathbf{(x_{it} -x_{it-1}) }\boldsymbol{\beta} +a_{i}-a_{i} + u_{it} -u_{it-1}\] \[\Delta y_{it}= \mathbf{(\Delta x_{it} ) }\boldsymbol{\beta} + \Delta u_{it}\]

  • Since \(a_{i}\) is constant over time for each cross-sectional unit, it is eliminated when we difference

First Differencing

  • The amount of data we have left after differencing depends on the number of time periods

    • If T = 2, then we are left with 1 observation per person

    • If T = 3, then we are left with 2 observations per person

    • etc...

  • The first difference estimator is the OLS estimator applied to the differenced data

\[\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{fd}} = \mathbf{((\Delta X)^{'}(\Delta X))^{-1}(\Delta X)^{'}(\Delta Y)}\]

First Differencing

  • The cluster-robust variance covariance matrix for \(\boldsymbol{\beta_{fd}}\) is

\[\hat{var}(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{fd}}) = \mathbf{(\Delta X' \Delta X)^{-1}} \left ( \sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathbf{\Delta X'_{i} \Delta\hat{u}_{i} \Delta\hat{u}'_{i}\Delta X_{i}}\right ) \mathbf{(\Delta X' \Delta X)^{-1}}\]

  • Again this is robust to both heteroskedasticity and serial correlation

  • When using this method:

    • There must be variation in a variable over time for it to be included

    • To infer a causal relationship, the unobserved heterogeneity must be time constant

Random Effects

  • Fixed Effects and First Differencing are appropriate with a correlated unobserved effect

  • If the unobserved effect is not correlated with \(\mathbf{x_{it}}\), we do not need to control for it

  • In theory we can use a pooled regression in this case

  • But it not efficient because it ignores the unobserved effect in the error

  • Random Effects is appropriate in this case

Assumptions of Random Effects

  • To use this method, we need to make a series of assumptions
  1. \(E(u_{it}|\mathbf{x_{i}}) = 0\)
  2. \(E(u_{it}u_{is}|\mathbf{x_{i}}) = 0\) for \(t \neq s\)
  3. \(E(u_{it}^{2}|\mathbf{x_{i}}) = \sigma^{2}_{u}\)
  4. \(E(a_{i}|\mathbf{x_{i}}) = 0\)
  5. \(E(a_{i}^2|\mathbf{x_{i}}) = \sigma^{2}_{a}\)
  6. \(E(a_{i}u_{it}|\mathbf{x_{i}}) = 0\)
  • These state that the unobserved effect is uncorrelated with \(\mathbf{x_{it}}\) and the error

  • Also that the error is homoskedastic and has no serial correlation

  • Researchers are usually skeptical of these assumptions

    • So this method is not used much in economics

Random Effects

  • Together these assumptions imply that

\[E(e_{i}|\mathbf{x_{i}}) = 0\]

\[E(\mathbf{e_{i}}\mathbf{e_{i}'}|\mathbf{x_{i}}) =\begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{a}^2 + \sigma_{u}^2& \sigma_{a}^2 & \ldots & \sigma_{a}^2\\ \sigma_{a}^2 & \sigma_{a}^2 + \sigma_{u}^2& \ldots & \sigma_{a}^2 \\ \vdots &\ddots & \ldots & \vdots \\ \sigma_{a}^2 & \sigma_{a}^2& \ldots & \sigma_{a}^2 + \sigma_{u}^2 \\ \end{bmatrix}\]

Random Effects

  • The variance covariance matrix of the errors for the whole data set is

\[\boldsymbol{\Omega} = \begin{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}& \mathbf{0} & \ldots & \mathbf{0}\\ \mathbf{0}& \boldsymbol{\Sigma}& \ldots & \mathbf{0} \\ \vdots &\ddots & \ldots & \vdots \\ \mathbf{0}& \mathbf{0}& \ldots & \boldsymbol{\Sigma}\\ \end{bmatrix}\]

  • This is the “random effects structure”

    • Errors are correlated within \(i\), but not across \(i\)

Random Effects

  • The random effects estimator is Generalized Least Squares (GLS) applied to the data using the random effects error structure

    • GLS “transforms” the data, and runs OLS on the transformed data
  • The Random Effects Estimator is

\[\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{re}} = \mathbf{(X' \hat{\Omega}^{-1}X)^{-1}X'\hat{\Omega}^{-1}Y}\]

  • \(\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}\) is the estimated variance covariance matrix with \(\sigma_{u}\) and \(\sigma_{a}\) replaced by estimates

  • Finding estimates of \(\sigma_{u}\) and \(\sigma_{a}\) is outlined in Wooldridge (2002)

    • It is applied automatically in Stata or R

Random Effects

  • Since we have assumed homoskedasticity, we can write the variance estimator

\[\hat{var}( \boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{re}}) = \mathbf{(X'\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}^{-1}X)^{-1} }\]

  • Can compare to a cluster-robust estimator

\[\hat{var}(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}_{re}})= \mathbf{(X'\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}^{-1}X)^{-1} }\left ( \sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathbf{X^{'}_{i} \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} \hat{u}_{i} \hat{u}_{i}^{'}\hat{\Sigma}^{-1}X_{i}}\right ) \mathbf{(X'\boldsymbol{\hat{\Omega}}^{-1}X)^{-1} }\]

  • Again, this is computed automatically using software so no need to worry about the complex formula

Fixed Effect or Random Effects

  • Depends on assumptions about the error

  • Fixed effects is valid in either case, but is less efficient if \(a_{i}\) is uncorrelated with \(\mathbf{x_{it}}\)

  • Economists tend to value robustness over efficiency

  • So fixed effects is almost always used

  • To test between them, there is a Hausman test you can use

  • But again, fixed effects is usually the default