Instrumental Variables

EC655 - Econometrics

Justin Smith

Wilfrid Laurier University

Fall 2023



  • In many empirical applications we want to estimate a causal effect

    • The independent effect of a particular variable on the outcome
  • OLS is inconsistent for this parameter when the error is correlated with \(\mathbf{x}\)

    • This happens often with omitted variables

    • Also, simultaneous equations, measurement error in \(\mathbf{x}\)

  • If we want to consistently estimate causal parameter, we need a different method

  • First method we will discuss is Instrumental Variables

Instrumental Variables


  • Start with a population linear model

    \[y = \mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta} + e\]

  • Define \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) as the causal effect

  • A model like the above where \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) is the causal effect is called a Structural Model


The model above is not the same as the population regression we discussed previously. In this model we are defining \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) specifically as the causal effect, and therefore \(e\) is not the same as the regression residual we defined before.


  • Suppose we think some parts of \(\mathbf{x}\) are correlated with \(e\) so that

    \[\textbf{E}(\mathbf{x'}e) \neq 0\]

  • The population least squares regression is not equal to the causal effect

\[\boldsymbol{\beta^{*}}=(\textbf{E}[\mathbf{x'x}])^{-1} \textbf{E}[\mathbf{x}'y]\] \[=(\textbf{E}[\mathbf{x'x}])^{-1} \textbf{E}[\mathbf{x}'(\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta} + e)]\] \[=\boldsymbol{\beta} + (\textbf{E}[\mathbf{x'x}])^{-1}\textbf{E}[\mathbf{x'}e]\]


  • In this setup, the OLS estimate of \(\boldsymbol{\beta^{*}}\) is inconsistent for \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)

    • This bias could come from omitted variables, but also other sources
  • If we want a consistent estimate of \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) we need another method

  • To make things simpler, partition the independent variables

\[= \mathbf{x_{1}}\boldsymbol{\beta_{1}} + x_{k}\beta_{k} + e\]

  • Suppose that \(x_{k}\) is correlated with \(e\), but \(\mathbf{x_{1}}\) is not

    • \(x_{k}\) is endogenous
    • \(\mathbf{x_{1}}\) is exogenous


  • Now imagine we have an instrumental variable \(z_{1}\) that is

    • Uncorrelated with \(e\)

    • Correlated with \(x_{k}\)

  • Define the vector \(\mathbf{z}\) to be

    \[\mathbf{z} = [1,x_{1}, x_{2}, ...,x_{k-1},z_{1}]\]

    • It is the \(\mathbf{x}\) vector with \(z_{1}\) in place of \(x_{k}\)

      • \(\mathbf{x_{1}}\) are included instruments

      • \(z_{1}\) is the excluded instrument because it comes from outside the model


  • If all factors in \(\mathbf{z}\) are exogenous,

    \[\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z}'e) = 0\]

  • If we take our model

    \[y = \mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta} + e\]

  • Pre-multiply by \(\mathbf{z}\) and take expectations

    \[\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z}'y) = \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'x}) \boldsymbol{\beta} + \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z}'u)\]

    \[\boldsymbol{\beta} = [\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'x})] ^{-1}\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z}'y)\]



The population Instrumental Variables slope vector with one instrument for each endogenous variable is

\[\boldsymbol{\beta} = [\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'x})] ^{-1}\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z}'y)\]


  • To be able to identify \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\), we need to assume

    • Rank condition: \(\text{rank }\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'z}) = K+1\)

      • The variables in \(\mathbf{z}\) are linearly independent
    • Relevance condition: \(\text{rank }\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'x}) = K+1\)

      • The instrument is correlated with the endogenous variable
  • Combined with the orthogonality condition \(\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z}'e) = 0\) this means an instrument must be

    • Uncorrelated with the error term

    • Correlated with the endogenous variable

Estimation by Method of Moments

  • Applying the method of moments to the population slope

    \[\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}=\left ( \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{z_{i}'x_{i}} \right )^{-1} \left ( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{z}_{i}'y_{i}\right ) = \left ( \sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{z_{i}'x_{i}} \right )^{-1} \left ( \sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{z}_{i}'y_{i}\right )\]

    \[=\left ( \mathbf{Z'X} \right )^{-1} \left ( \mathbf{Z'y}\right )\]

  • The IV estimator is very similar to the OLS estimator, except

    • The \(\mathbf{X'}\) matrix that premultiplies the \(\mathbf{X}\) matrix and \(\mathbf{y}\) vector is replaced with \(\mathbf{Z'}\)

Two-Stage Least Squares


  • In some cases we have more than one instrument for an endogenous variable

  • Two-Stage Least Squares (TSLS) generalizes the IV model for this situation

    • Note: In practice, both models are often called Instrumental Variables
  • The TSLS procedure is

    • First Stage: regress endogenous variable on all exogenous variables

    • Second Stage: regress dependent variable on exogenous \(\mathbf{x}\) variables and predicted value of endogenous variable from first stage

  • This process keeps only exogenous part of endogenous variable in the second stage

    • Purges the endogenous variable of the endogenous component

Structural Equation

  • To see this mathematically, the structural equation is

    \[y = \mathbf{x_{1}}\boldsymbol{\beta_{1}} + x_{k}\beta_{k} + e\]

    • \(x_{k}\) is endogenous, and \(\mathbf{x_{1}}\) are exogenous
  • The vector \(\mathbf{z}\) is now

    \[\mathbf{z} = [1,x_{1}, x_{2}, ...,x_{k-1},z_{1}, z_{2},...,z_{m}]\]

    • Contains \(K\) exogenous \(\mathbf{x}\) variables and \(M\) instruments

    • Total dimension of this vector is \(L=K+M\)

  • There are at least as many instruments as endogenous variables

  • If \(\mathbf{z}\) is exogenous, \(\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z}'e) = 0\)

First Stage

  • In the first stage regress endogenous variables on \(\mathbf{z}\)

\[x_{k} = \mathbf{z}\boldsymbol{\pi} + r\]

  • \(\boldsymbol{\pi}\) is the population least squares slope vector

\[\boldsymbol{\pi} = \left ( \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'z}) \right )^{-1} \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'x_{k}})\]

  • The population regression function in this relationship is

\[\mathbf{x}_{k}^{*} = \mathbf{z}\boldsymbol{\pi}\]

First Stage

  • The intuition behind the first stage is

    • The first stage regresses the endogenous variable on the instruments

    • It separates the endogenous variable into the exogenous part and the endogenous part

    • The predicted value is the exogenous part

    • The residual is the endogenous part

    • We only keep the exogenous part for the second stage


In the first stage regression, regress the endogenous variable \(x_{k}\) on all the exogenous variables \(x_{1}\) and \(z_{1} \ldots z_{m}\).

Second Stage

  • In the second stage, replace \(x_{k}\) with \(\mathbf{x}_{k}^{*}\)

  • So the vector \(\mathbf{x}^{*}\) is

    \[\mathbf{x}^{*} = [1,x_{1}, x_{2}, ...,x_{k-1},x_{k}^{*}]\]

  • If \(\mathbf{z}\) is exogenous, then so is a linear combination of the \(\mathbf{z}\)

    • \(x_{k}^{*}\) is a linear combination of \(\mathbf{z}\)
  • So we know that \(\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x}^{*'}e) = 0\)

  • Premultiply structural equation by \(\mathbf{x}^{*'}\) and take expectations

    \[\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x}^{*'}y) = \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x^{*'}x}) \boldsymbol{\beta} + \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x}^{*'}e)\]

Second Stage

  • Use \(\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x}^{*'}e) = 0\) and solve for \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)

\[\boldsymbol{\beta} = \left(\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x^{*'}x})\right)^{-1}\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x}^{*'}y)\]

  • It is equivalent to write this as

\[\boldsymbol{\beta} = \left(\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x^{*'}x^{*}})\right)^{-1}\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x}^{*'}y)\]

  • It is the population regression slope of \(y\) on \(\mathbf{x}^{*}\)

Second Stage


The TSLS regression slope vector is

\[\boldsymbol{\beta} = \left(\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x^{*'}x^{*}})\right)^{-1}\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x}^{*'}y)\]

  • Note that the IV estimator is equivalent to TSLS when there is one instrument for one endogenous variable

  • As before, these are population moments that we cannot compute directly

  • We need to estimate them


  • Instrumental variables can be depicted in a DAG

  • There is an unobserved confounder \(e\)

    • We cannot control for it
  • Instrumental variable \(z\) is correlated with \(x\) and uncorrelated with \(e\)

  • It only affects \(y\) through \(x_k\)

Estimation by Method of Moments

  • As before, substitute sample versions of population moments to get

  • Also recall that this is a two-step process

  • The first stage, is the regression of \(\mathbf{x}\) on \(\mathbf{z}\)

  • The population slope vector is is

\[\boldsymbol{\pi} = \left ( \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'z}) \right )^{-1} \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'x_{k}})\]

  • The sample version is

\[\boldsymbol{\hat{\pi}} = \left( \mathbf{Z'Z} \right)^{-1}\mathbf{Z'x_{k}}\]

Estimation by Method of Moments

  • The predicted values of \(x_{k}\) are

\[\mathbf{\hat{x}}_{k} = \mathbf{Z}\boldsymbol{\hat{\pi}}\]

  • The second stage replaces \(x_{k}\) with \(\mathbf{\hat{x}}_{k}\)

  • The sample regression slope vector is

\[\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}} = \left( \mathbf{\mathbf{\hat{X}}'\mathbf{\hat{X}}} \right)^{-1}\mathbf{\mathbf{\hat{X}}'y}\]

Estimation by Method of Moments

  • When there is one endogenous variable, the matrix \(\mathbf{\hat{X}}\) is

    \[\mathbf{\hat{X}} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & x_{11} & x_{12} &\cdots&x_{1,k-1} & \hat{x}_{1k}\\ 1 & x_{21} & x_{22} &\cdots&x_{2,k-1} & \hat{x}_{2k}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots &\vdots &\vdots \\ 1 & x_{n1} & x_{n2} &\cdots&x_{n,k-1} & \hat{x}_{nk} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{X_{1}} & \mathbf{\hat{x}_{k}} \end{bmatrix}\]


The TSLS estimator is

\[\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}} = \left( \mathbf{\mathbf{\hat{X}}'\mathbf{\hat{X}}} \right)^{-1}\mathbf{\mathbf{\hat{X}}'y}\]


  • The starting point for TSLS is an endogenous variable

    • A variable that is correlated with \(e\)

    • Usually because of omitted variables bias

  • OLS will not consistently identify the slope vector \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)

  • We have access to at least one variable from outside the model that is

    • Uncorrelated with the error term \(e\)

    • Correlated with the endogenous variable \(x_{k}\)


  • The first stage regresses \(x_{k}\) on all exogenous variables

    • Separates \(x_{k}\) into two pieces

      • The exogenous part: the piece that is correlated with the exogenous variables

      • The endogenous part: the residual from this regression, which is uncorrelated with the exogenous piece

    • The first stage purges the endogenous component from \(x_{k}\)

    • Keeps only the exogenous component, \(\hat{x}_{k}\)

  • We use the only the exogenous piece \(\hat{x}_{k}\) in the second stage regression

Statistical Properties of TSLS


  • Like we did with the OLS estimator, we cover the statistical properties of TSLS

    • We will be slightly less detailed
  • We first need to outline the set of assumptions required for consistency


  1. \(\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z}'e) = 0\)

    • The vector of exogenous variables is uncorrelated with \(u\)

    • This is sometimes called the exclusion restriction

      • The instruments come from outside the model and are uncorrelated with the error


  1. \(\text{rank } \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'z}) = L\) and \(\text{rank } \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{z'x}) = K\)

    • First part says that none of the variables in \(\mathbf{z}\) are perfectly collinear

    • Second part is the rank condition

      • The instruments must be sufficiently correlated with the endogenous variable

      • We will come back to this when we talk about weak instruments

    • For this assumption to hold we also need to meet the order condition

      • There are at least as many instruments as endogenous variables

      • Mathematically, we need \(L\ge K+1\)

  2. \(\{(\mathbf{x}_{i},\mathbf{z_{i}}, y_{i}: i=1,2,...n)\}\) are a random sample


  • If all of the assumptions are met, the TSLS estimator is consistent for \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)

  • We will not do the proof, but it is very similar to OLS

  • If any of the assumptions fail, the TSLS estimator is inconsistent


  • In small samples, the TSLS estimator is generally biased

  • We will not cover the proof

  • You should only use TSLS with large samples

Large Sample Distribution of \(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}\)

  • We again appeal to the Central Limit Theorem

  • With large \(n\), the TSLS estimator has a Normal distribution with mean \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) and variance

    \[\text{var}(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}) = n^{-1}[\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x^{*'}x^{*}})^{-1}]\mathbf{E}(u^2\mathbf{x^{*'}x^{*}})[\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x^{*'}x^{*}})^{-1}]\]

  • If we assume homoskedasticity \(\mathbf{E}(u^2|\mathbf{z}) = \sigma^2\) this reduces to

    \[\text{var}(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}) = \sigma^2 n^{-1}\mathbf{E}(\mathbf{x^{*'}x^{*}})^{-1}\]

Variance Estimator for \(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}\)

  • To estimate the variance, substitute sample versions of the population moments

  • The Heteroskedasticity-Robust variance estimator is

    \[\hat{\text{var}}(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}) = \left (\mathbf{\hat{X}'\hat{X}}\right )^{-1}\left ( \sum_{i=1}^{n}\hat{u}_{i}^2\mathbf{\hat{x}_{i}'\hat{x}_{i}}\right )\left ( \mathbf{\hat{X}'\hat{X}}\right )^{-1}\]

  • If we assume homoskedasticity, it is

    \[\hat{\text{var}}(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}) = s_{\hat{u}}^2 \left (\mathbf{\hat{X}'\hat{X}}\right )^{-1}\]

  • In both cases, we use the TSLS residuals, which are

    \[\mathbf{\hat{u}} = \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}\]

Variance Estimator for \(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}\)

  • These are not the residuals from the second stage regression \(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{\hat{X}}\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}\)

    • Use \(\mathbf{X}\) – not \(\mathbf{\hat{X}}\) – in this calculation

    • This is a common mistake

    • Using the wrong residuals will lead to incorrect estimates of the standard errors

Structural and Reduced Form in TSLS

Structural vs Reduced form Equations

  • In this section we present details that are useful for using TSLS in practice

  • This will help you understand when you read papers using TSLS

  • Suppose we have a model with one endogenous variable and one instrument

  • The instrumental variables model in scalar notation is

\[y = \beta_{0} + x_{1}\beta_{1} +...+ x_{k-1}\beta_{k-1} + x_{k}\beta_{k} + e\] \[x_{k} = \pi_{0} + x_{1}\pi_{1}+...+x_{k-1}\pi_{k-1} +z_{1}\delta_{1} + r\]

  • The first equation is the structural equation

    • The equation containing the causal effects we are interested in

Structural vs Reduced form Equations

  • The second equation is the first stage

    • It is a reduced form equation

      • All of the regressors are exogenous

      • The parameters do not necessarily represent causal effects

  • Researchers often also estimate the reduced form for \(y\)

    • Sub the second equation into the first to get

\[y = (\beta_{0} + \beta_{k}\pi_{0}) + x_{1}(\beta_{1} + \beta_{k}\pi_{1}) +...+ x_{k-1} (\beta_{k-1}+ \beta_{k}\pi_{k-1}) + z_{1}\beta_{k}\delta_{1} + e + \beta_{k}r\]

\[= \gamma_{0}+ x_{1}\gamma_{1}+...+ x_{k-1} \gamma_{k-1}+ z_{1}\theta_{1}+ \epsilon\]

  • This is the regression of \(y\) on all the exogenous variables

Structural vs Reduced form Equations

  • In the reduced form for \(y\), the slope \(\theta_{1} = \beta_{k}\delta_{1}\)

    • The effect of \(z_{1}\) on \(x_{k}\) times the effect of \(x_{k}\) on \(y\)
  • You can get the slope \(\beta_{k}\) by dividing the reduced form by the first stage

    \[\beta_{k} = \frac{\theta_{1}}{\delta_{1}}\]

  • \(\beta_{k}\) is the reduced form effect scaled by the first stage

    • Ex: returns to schooling

    • Imagine \(y\) is income, \(x_{k}\) is years of schooling, \(z_{1}\) is kms to nearest university

    • If \(\delta_{1} = .5\), being 1km closer to school leads to .5 more years of schooling

    • If \(\theta_{1} = 10000\), being 1km closer to school leads to $10000 more income

    • Then \(\beta_{k} = \frac{10000}{.5} = 20000\) is effect of a year of additional schooling

Checking Instrument Validity


  • There are two main assumptions for instrumental variables

    • Exclusion restriction: instruments are from outside the model and uncorrelated with \(e\)

    • Rank condition: excluded instruments are sufficiently related to the endogenous variable

      • This is sometimes also called the instrument relevance condition
  • Failure of either creates problems

  • To understand these issues, it is useful to study the following model

\[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}x_{1} + e\]

\[x_{1} = \pi_{0} + \pi_{1}z_{1} + r\]


  • In this model, you can show that

\[\text{plim }\hat{\beta}_{1} = \beta_{1} + \frac{cov(z_{1},e)}{cov(z_{1},x_{1})}\] \[= \beta_{1} + \frac{\sigma_{e}}{\sigma_{x_{1}}}\frac{corr(z_{1},e)}{corr(z_{1},x_{1})}\]

  • We will use this result to inform ourselves about the failure of our assumptions

  • The key idea is that instruments must be relevant and exogenous

Exclusion Restriction

  • Consider the plim of the TSLS slope estimator

\[\text{plim }\hat{\beta}_{1} = \beta_{1} + \frac{cov(z_{1},e)}{cov(z_{1},x_{1})}\]

  • If the exclusion restriction holds, then \(cov(z_{1},e) = 0\) and \(\text{plim }\hat{\beta}_{1} = \beta_{1}\)

  • If not then \(\text{plim }\hat{\beta}_{1} \neq \beta_{1}\) and the TSLS estimator is inconsistent

  • Can we check to see if this assumption is true?

  • If we have one excluded instrument for each endogenous variable, we cannot

    • There are no enough degrees of freedom to test the exclusion restriction

    • We have to rely only on our assumptions in this case

Exclusion Restriction

  • With multiple excluded instruments for the endogenous variable, we can

    • We use the extra instruments to test whether the others are endogenous
  • A useful test when errors are homoskedastic is the Sargan Test

    • Estimate the model using TSLS

    • Compute the TSLS residuals, \(\mathbf{\hat{u}}\)

    • Regress \(\mathbf{\hat{u}}\) on all instruments \(\mathbf{z}\)

      • Save \(R^2_u\) from this regression
    • The test statistic is \(nR^2_u\)

      • Has a \(\chi^2_{Q_{1}}\) distribution, where \(Q_{1}\) are overidentifying restrictions
    • The null hypothesis is exogeneity

Exclusion Restriction

  • There is a more complicated test with heteroskedastic errors

    • You can easily execute this in R or Stata

    • We can discuss the process separately

  • If you fail this test (reject the null), then you need to find other instruments

Instrument Relevance

  • For TSLS to work, the instrument must be relevant

    • It must be sufficiently correlated with the endogenous variable
  • An instrument that is not sufficiently relevant is a weak instrument

  • Weak instruments can cause several problems

  1. Inconsistency when the instrument and error are not exactly uncorrelated

    • Consider the plim of the TSLS slope estimator

\[\text{plim }\hat{\beta}_{1} = \beta_{1} + \frac{\sigma_{e}}{\sigma_{x_{1}}}\frac{corr(z_{1},e)}{corr(z_{1},x_{1})}\]

Instrument Relevance

  • Continued...

    • When \(corr(z_{1},x_{1}) \rightarrow 0\) then \(\frac{corr(z_{1},e)}{corr(z_{1},x_{1})} \rightarrow \infty\)

      • True even when \(corr(z_{1},e)\) is very close to zero
    • Also note that the plim of the OLS estimator is

      \[\text{plim }\hat{\beta}_{1}^{ols} = \beta_{1} + \frac{\sigma_{e}}{\sigma_{x_{1}}}corr(x_{1},e)\]

    • Taking the ratio of the two biases \[\frac{\hat{\beta}_{1}-\beta_{1}}{\hat{\beta}_{1}^{ols}-\beta_{1}} = \frac{corr(z_{1},e)/corr(x_{1},e)}{corr(z_{1},x_{1})}\]

    • As \(corr(z_{1},x_{1}) \rightarrow 0\), the inconsistency in 2SLS becomes larger than the inconsistency in OLS

Instrument Relevance

  1. Finite sample bias in TSLS becomes large

    • The expected value of the TSLS estimator can be written as

      \[\mathbf{E}(\hat{\beta}_{1} - \beta_{1}) \approx \frac{\sigma_{er}}{\sigma_{r}^2}\frac{1}{F+1}\]

    • Where \(F\) is the F-statistic from the test of joint significance of the excluded regressors

    • Weak instruments means that \(F\) is close to zero

    • As \(F\) gets small, the bias tends to \(\frac{\sigma_{er}}{\sigma_{r}^2}\)

      • If \(F\) is exactly zero, that means the instrument is irrelevant \((\pi_{1}=0)\)

      • In this case \(\frac{\sigma_{er}}{\sigma_{r}^2}\) is also the OLS bias

      • So 2SLS and OLS produce the same biased result

    • When instruments are weak, TSLS is biased towards OLS

Instrument Relevance

  1. Standard inference is no longer valid

    • We rely in the central limit theorem to show TSLS estimator has a Normal distribution

    • With weak instruments, this no longer holds

      • The estimator has the distribution of the ratio of two Normal variables
    • In this case the t-statistic no longer has a t-distribution

    • Hypothesis tests tend to reject the null more than it should

Instrument Relevance

  • There are several tests available to check for weak instruments
  1. Test with one endogenous regressor

    • Based on F-statistic on excluded instruments in first stage

    • Critical values for set amount of bias or size distortion

    • Ex: when \(F=10\) maximum TSLS bias is about 10% of OLS bias

    • Also when \(F=10\), the rejection rate of a 5% test is no more than 20%

    • As \(F\) gets larger, relative bias shrinks and test size distortion falls

    • \(F=10\) is often called “Staiger Stock rule of thumb”, based on authors who developed it

    • Generally thought that when \(F>10\), instruments are not weak

Instrument Relevance

  1. Test with more than one endogenous regressor

    • Suppose you have two endogenous variables and two instruments

    • You could compute a first stage \(F\) for each endogenous variable

    • Problem arises when you have one instrument that is strong in both first stages

    • In this case you have one strong and one weak instrument

    • Cragg-Donald F-Statistic is modified F-stat for doing this test jointly

  2. Test that are heteroskedasticity-robust

    • Both tests described above assume homoskedastic errors

    • Kelibergen-Paap adjusted the test for heteroskedasticity

    • Otherwise, works in the same way as described above

Instrument Relevance

  • Finally, what if we fail the weak instrument tests?
  1. Find better instruments or drop weak ones

    • If your model is overidentified, you can drop the weak instruments

    • If it is exactly identified, you could try to find better instruments

      • This is not easy since instruments generally come from natural experiments
  2. Use weak instrument robust inference

    • As noted, t-tests will reject the null too often with weak instruments

    • You can adjust testing to have the correct size

    • There are several available

      • Anderson Rubin (AR)

      • Conditional Likelihood Ration (CLR)

      • We will not cover the details of this, but all are available in Stata

Interpretation of Slope in IV Models


  • The Rubin model tells us how to interpret the slope in a regression model

  • Specific interpretation depends on assumptions

    • If we make strong assumption that treatment is randomly assigned, regression slope is the average treatment effect (ATE)

    • Weaker assumption of mean independence or conditional mean independence of \(y_{0}\) gives us average treatment effect on the treated (ATT)

  • But in an instrumental variables model, these assumptions are violated

    • The error term is correlated with treatment

    • So we cannot assume mean independence of the error

  • In this section, we alter the Rubin model to interpret the slope in an IV model

Local Average Treatment Effects

  • Start with the observed outcomes from the Rubin model \[y = y_{0} + (y_{1} -y_{0})w\]

  • Now suppose we have a binary instrument \(z\)

    • This variable measures your assignment to treatment
  • Define observed treatment as \[w = w_{0} + (w_{1} -w_{0})z\]

    • \(w_{1}\) is potential treatment when assigned to treatment

    • \(w_{0}\) is potential treatment when not assigned to treatment

    • We observe \(w=w_{0}\) when \(z=0\) and \(w=w_{1}\) when \(z=1\)

Local Average Treatment Effects

  • Assume that the instrument is independent of treatment and outcomes \[(y_{0}, y_{1}, w_{0}, w_{1}) \perp z\]

  • The TSLS estimator is the reduced form divided by the first stage

  • In this setup with binary \(y\), the reduced form is

    \[E(y|z=1) - E(y|z=0)\]

  • and with binary \(w\) the first stage is

    \[E(w|z=1) - E(w|z=0)\]

  • So that the IV estimator is

    \[\frac{E(y|z=1) - E(y|z=0)}{E(w|z=1) - E(w|z=0)}\]

Local Average Treatment Effects

  • To get the numerator, first substitute \(w\) equation into \(y\) equation \[y = y_{0} + (y_{1} -y_{0})w_{0} + (y_{1} -y_{0})(w_{1} -w_{0})z\]

  • This allows us to write the following conditional expectations \[E(y|z=1) = E(y_{0}) + E((y_{1} -y_{0})w_{0}) + E((y_{1} -y_{0})(w_{1} -w_{0}))\] \[E(y|z=0) = E(y_{0}) + E((y_{1} -y_{0})w_{0})\]

  • So, \[E(y|z=1) - E(y|z=0) = E((y_{1} -y_{0})(w_{1} -w_{0}))\]

Local Average Treatment Effects

  • Note that \[E((y_{1} -y_{0})(w_{1} -w_{0}))\] \[= E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)P(w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)\] \[- E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = -1)P(w_{1} -w_{0} = -1)\] \[+0\times E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 0)P(w_{1} -w_{0} = 0)\]

  • The last term drops out since it is zero

  • Reduced form is the difference in treatment effect between two groups

    • \(E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)\) is the treatment effect for “compliers”

      • Compliers have \(w_{1}=1\) and \(w_{0} = 0\), so that \(w_{1} -w_{0} = 1\)
    • \(E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = -1)\) is the treatment effect for “defiers”

      • Defiers have \(w_{1}=0\) and \(w_{0} = 1\), so that \(w_{1} -w_{0} = -1\)

Local Average Treatment Effects

  • Problem: reduced form might be 0 even with positive treatment effects for both groups

    • Suppose \(E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 1) = E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = -1)\)

    • Then \(E(y|z=1) - E(y|z=0) = 0\) and reduced form effect is zero

    • Makes it difficult to measure treatment effects

  • To correct for this, we must assume monotonicity \[w_{1} \ge w_{0}\]

    • Says effect of instrument goes one way

    • If assigned to treatment you take it, if not you don’t take it

    • Precludes defiers who don’t take treatment when assigned, take it when not assigned

Local Average Treatment Effects

  • Monotonicity implies \(P(w_{1} -w_{0} = -1) = 0\), so \[E(y|z=1) - E(y|z=0)\] \[= E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)P(w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)\]

  • With monotonicity \((w_{1} -w_{0})\) can equal 0 or 1, so

    \[E(w_{1} - w_{0}) = 1\times P(w_{1} -w_{0} = 1) + 0\times P(w_{1} -w_{0} = 0)\] \[=P(w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)\]

  • Using this in the reduced form gives us

    \[E(y|z=1) - E(y|z=0)\] \[= E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)E(w_{1} -w_{0})\]

Local Average Treatment Effects

  • To derive the denominator, remember potential treatment are independent of \(z\) \[E(w |z=1) -E(w|z = 0) = E(w_{1} -w_{0})\]

  • Combining the numerator and denominator \[\frac{E(y|z=1) - E(y|z=0)}{E(w|z=1) - E(w|z=0)} = \frac{E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)E(w_{1} -w_{0}) }{E(w_{1} -w_{0}) }\]

    \[= E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)\]

  • Says the IV estimator equals \(E(y_{1} -y_{0}|w_{1} -w_{0} = 1)\)

    • This is known as the Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE)

    • The average treatment effect among compliers

    • Can interpret as treatment effect among people influenced by instrument

Examples of LATE

  • Smith (2009)

    • Effect of school entry age on test scores

    • Uses “assigned entry age” as instrument for actual entry age

    • LATE: measures effect of entry age on test scores for people who follow rules

  • Angrist (1990)

    • Effect of military service on earnings

    • Uses draft eligibility as determined by lottery as instrument for military service

    • LATE: measures effect of military service for those who complied with the draft lottery

  • Key: often the “complier” subpopulation is different from the average population

    • So LATE \(\neq\) ATE in general