Difference in Differences

EC655 - Econometrics

Justin Smith

Wilfrid Laurier University

Fall 2023



  • Uses a natural experiment to separate data into treatment and control groups

    • A policy or naturally occurring event that creates exogenous variation in a variable

      • Ex: Increasing the minimum wage in one state but not another

      • Ex: Mandated fitness policies in some schools but not others

  • Usually data in the form of pooled cross-sections

    • Individuals in 2 (or more) time periods

    • Could be same or different people in each time period

  • Can also have data in 2 groups in same time period

    • Individuals in 2 different states, countries

    • People in 2 different schools

  • DiD is a specific way to compare treatment to control group



  • Imagine the following scenario

    • We have data on 2 groups of people (A, and B)

    • We have data during 2 time periods (1 and 2)

    • Group A was exposed to some treatment in period 2

      • Ex: Minimum Wages (Card and Krueger (1994))

      • Group A (New Jersey) increases their minimum wage in period 2

      • Group B (Pennsylvania) does not change its minimum wage

      • We observe both groups before and after the wage change

  • We want to measure the causal effect of the policy

Potential Outcomes

  • We will couch this estimator in the potential outcomes framework

  • Recall that observed outcomes are \[y = (y_{1} - y_{0} )w + y_{0}\]

    • \(y_{0}\) is outcome without treatment

    • \(y_{1}\) is outcome with treatment

  • Define the following dummy variables

    • \(dA = 1\) if in group A, 0 if in group B

    • \(d2 = 1\) of in time period 2, 0 if in period 1

  • \(w\) is the binary treatment indicator

    • Equals 1 for group A in period 2, and 0 otherwise

    • It is equivalent to \(dA \times d2\)


  • Take difference in observed outcome between treatment and control in period 2

\[E[y|dA = 1, d2 = 1] - E[y|dA = 0, d2 = 1]\] \[ = E[y_1|dA = 1, d2 = 1] - E[y_0|dA = 0, d2 = 1]\]
\[ = E[y_1|dA = 1, d2 = 1] - E[y_0|dA = 1, d2 = 1] \] \[+ E[y_0|dA = 1, d2 = 1]- E[y_0|dA = 0, d2 = 1]\]

  • This is the ATT plus selection bias
  • Selection bias possibly not zero because \(y_0\) different between groups A and B in period 2


  • DiD subtracts the difference in outcomes from period 1 to account for selection

\[E[y|dA = 1, d2 = 1] - E[y|dA = 0, d2 = 1]\] \[ -[E[y|dA = 1, d2 = 0] - E[y|dA = 0, d2 = 0]]\] \[ = E[y_1|dA = 1, d2 = 1] - E[y_0|dA = 1, d2 = 1] \] \[+ E[y_0|dA = 1, d2 = 1]- E[y_0|dA = 0, d2 = 1]\] \[ -[E[y_0|dA = 1, d2 = 0] - E[y_0|dA = 0, d2 = 0]]\]

  • Selection bias is zero if we assume constant bias or common trends

Constant Bias

  • Selection bias is zero if we make the constant bias assumption

  • From above

\[+ E[y_0|dA = 1, d2 = 1]- E[y_0|dA = 0, d2 = 1]\] \[ -[E[y_0|dA = 1, d2 = 0] - E[y_0|dA = 0, d2 = 0]]\]

  • Constant bias means group difference in \(y_0\) is the same in both time periods

    • Between group differences in prior period are a good counterfactual for difference in treated time period

Visual Representation

Visual Representation


  • We can model the CEF with a regression because it is a saturated model

\[y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 dA + \beta_2 d2 + \beta_3 (dA \times d2) + u\]

  • The parameter \(\beta_3\) is the population difference in differences

\[\beta_3 = E[y|dA = 1, d2 = 1] - E[y|dA = 0, d2 = 1] \] \[- E[y|dA = 1, d2 = 0]- E[y|dA = 0, d2 = 0 ]\]

  • Recall that \(\beta_3\) is the ATT if we assume common trends or constant bias

    • If those do not hold, we have selection bias

DiD Graphically

DiD Graphically

Interpretation of DiD

  • Under the assumption of constant treatment effects, \(\beta_{3} = ATE = ATT\)

    • Constant treatment effects means it is the same for all groups
  • If treatment effect can vary across groups, \(\beta_{3} = ATT\)

    • Card and Krueger: \(\beta_{3}\) is the effect of increase in minimum wage on employment in NJ



  • Estimation typically done by OLS \[y = \hat{\beta}_{0} + \hat{\beta}_{1}dA +\hat{\beta}_{2}d2 + \hat{\beta}_{3}(dA\times d2)+ u\]

  • The coefficient on \((dA\times d2)\) is the DiD estimator

  • It is given simply by \[\hat{\beta}_{3} = (\bar{y}_{A2} - \bar{y}_{B2}) - (\bar{y}_{A1} -\bar{y}_{B1})\]

  • You can also add control variables \[y= \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}dA +\beta_{2}d2 + \beta_{3}(dA\times d2)+\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\alpha}+ u\]

  • The interpretation remains similar, but estimator no longer collapses to the easy formula


Multiple Treatments

  • Imagine the Card study where NJ raises the minimum wage

  • Suppose that NY also raises it \[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}d(NJ,NY) +\beta_{2}d2 +\beta_{3}(d(NJ,NY)\times d2)+ u\]

  • \(d(NJ,NY)\) equals 1 if in NJ or NY

  • This restricts the effect to be the same in NJ and NY

    • Allowing for different impacts in NY and NJ

      \[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}dNJ+\beta_{2}dNY +\beta_{3}d2 + \beta_{4}(dNJ\times d2)+ \beta_{5}(dNY\times d2)+ u\]

    • Here, PA is used as the control group for both treatments

Multiple Time Periods

  • Imagine again the Card study with only NJ and PA

  • Suppose we observe 4 time periods: 2 before, and 2 after policy change

  • The specification could change to \[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}dNJ +\beta_{2}d2 +\beta_{3}d3 +\beta_{4}d4 + \beta_{5}(dNJ\times d(3,4))+u\]

  • where \(d(3,4)\) is a dummy equal to 1 if time period is 3 or 4

  • This would impose that the treatment effect is the same in all years

  • A more general way to model this would be \[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}dNJ +\beta_{2}d2 +\beta_{3}d3 +\beta_{4}d4 + \beta_{5}(dNJ\times d3)+ \beta_{6}(dNJ\times d4)+ u\]

    • \(\beta_{5}\) is the treatment effect in time period 3

    • \(\beta_{6}\) is the treatment effect in time period 4

Multiple Treatments and Time Periods

  • In this most general case, the specification is \[y = \beta_{0} + \mathbf{dG}\boldsymbol{\beta_{1}} +\mathbf{dT}\boldsymbol{\beta_{2}}+\mathbf{z}\boldsymbol{\beta_{3}}+ u\]

  • Where

    • \(\mathbf{dG}\) is a set of group dummies

    • \(\mathbf{dT}\) is a set of time dummies

    • \(\mathbf{z}\) are interaction between the time and group dummies post treatment

    • \(\mathbf{z}\) could also be a scalar equal to 1 for all groups and time periods post treatment

  • This is sometimes called the Two-Way Fixed Effects (TWFE) model

Checking Validity of DiD

  • Recall that a required assumption is common trends

  • You can check that empirically by looking at trends for treatment and control groups prior to treatment

    • Requires more than 2 time periods
  • To do this, you can

    • Estimate regression with sample before treatment

    • Include time dummy variables, group variables, interactions

    • Do F-test on interactions

Problems with DiD

Standard Errors

  • You must use “cluster-robust” standard errors

    • Error is not iid across all individuals

    • Common group component

    • Must correct for this or SEs will be biased downward severely

  • Donald and Lang (2001)

    • Clustered standard errors may not be enough

    • Asymptotic results bad when number of groups is small

    • Use bootstrap to solve this problem

      • In particular the clustered wild bootstrap

Standard Errors

  • Bertrand, Duflo, Mullainathan (2004)

    • Errors may be serially correlated

    • Only a problem when there are many time periods

    • To fix, you can aggregate to 2 time periods

    • Use a “block” bootstrap

Timing of Treatment

  • You can have multiple groups who are treated at different times

  • DiD estimator is complicated weighted average of treatment and control pairs

  • Can be even more complicated if treatment effect varies over time

  • See Roth et. al. (2023) for an overview

Difference in Difference in Differences


  • Sometimes even the DiD assumptions are not valid

    • The common trend assumption is violated
  • Example: Health care policy aimed at elderly (Wooldridge (2007))

    • Suppose we have two groups

      • Elderly in state with policy

      • Elderly in state without policy

      • Both are observed in 2 time periods

    • Could do DiD using difference in non-policy state as control

      • This alternative state might evolve differently somehow
    • Now, imagine in each state we have

      • Elderly and non-elderly

      • Both are observed in 2 time periods


  • Could do DiD in treatment state using difference in non-elderly as control group

    • Health of elderly and non-elderly might evolve differently
  • With 2 potential DiDs, which one do we choose?

  • The DDD estimator is an extension of the DiD estimator

    • Uses both DiDs in the same specification

    • Uses controls from within the treatment state (non-elderly) and from the other state (non-policy state) simultaneously


  • Suppose we separate the sample into these groups

    • Group A: People in treatment state

    • Group B: People in control state

    • Group E: Elderly

    • Group N: Non Elderly

  • The regression would be \[y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}dA + \beta_{2}dE +\beta_{3}d2 + \beta_{3}(dA\times d2)\] \[+ \beta_{4}(dE\times d2) + \beta_{5}(dE\times dA) + \beta_{6}(dE\times dA \times d2) + u\]


  • The DDD estimator is \[\hat{\beta}_{6} = [(\bar{y}_{AE2} - \bar{y}_{AN2}) - (\bar{y}_{AE1} - \bar{y}_{AN1})]\] \[- [(\bar{y}_{BE2} - \bar{y}_{BN2}) - (\bar{y}_{BE1} - \bar{y}_{BN1})]\]

  • Intuition

    • Do a separate DiD in treatment and control state

    • Subtract the 2 DiD estimates

      • Uses one DiD as a control for the other
    • There are actually several ways to interpret this estimator

  • The same problems with DiD apply to DDD estimators

    • You must be careful with the standard errors

    • You must be careful with the interpretation